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[2014.02.16] Add the Backup Script into Crontab Job [Copy URL]

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Post time 2014-2-16 13:17:08 |Show the author posts only |Descending
I would like to add a shell script to crontab, I hope to relay on the script and  the cloud sync app to save the backup of something imoportant files liking database or file system every day.

<Some key points people need to pay attention>
1. Permission : if the script user of the crontab (/etc/crontab) is root, the script need change the ower to root and provide the writing permission to root.
2. Abolute patch : Because of the script has a lot of commands  doing rar ot gizp archive, the location of compressing target use the absulute patch is better. ( See below example picture)
3. Put the #!/bin/sh at the script begaining : In ubuntu sh is the same as the command dash and in the centos is the same as bash, in fact, I still can't know all the difference of dash and bash. (See below example picture)
4. Crontab limition: people need serach much more detail information form google/wikipedia yourself, some script grammar may different with crontab.

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