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1. This location is showing the English、Traditional Chinese and Japanes language topics
I can add the symple ♯ between the any language topic
For example:
Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi ♯ 架向星空的橋 ♯ 星空へ架かる橋
Ghost in the Shell ♯ 攻殼機動隊
GOSICK ♯ ゴシック
2. This location is posting a picture of this thread topic
3. Add the Wikipedia links of this thread to let anyone know the background of this topic.
4.This location provide some information
Jap Blu-ray Disc Vol 1 - 6 Fin :
The soure is blu-ray disc and this packet has six volumes
If this location has another key point "box" mean this packet source is the blu-ray disc box but isn't the separate volumes.
The key word "Fin" is meaning this item is finished and it will not update any more information .
The blu-bay disc rip to bdmv files.
If the files format is ISO, this location can show the word "ISO".
TV : 1 - 12 Fin
The content of this sharing item contain twelve TV episodes.
If the content is the the season 2, the key word can add another key word "S2".
The key word "Fin" means a season of the item is finished.It is not the same meaning as above "Fin".
The files getting from U2(PT/forum)
Another example:
American Blu-ray Disc x 8 Fin● BDMV ● TV : S1(1 - 26) + S2(1 - 26) Fin, Movie : 鳥カゴの國の姫君, OVA : TOKYO REVELATIONS + 春雷記 @ U2
5. If the product team provide the parameter of blu-ray disc or other rip parameter, this location can add these inforamtion.
N/A means the team don't provide any parameter information.
6.The introduction copy from the source forum or PT
N/A means this item source of the forum or PT don't provide any introduction information.
7. This location provide the shareing files information and I suggest people notice these inforation before start downloading files.
- Files: 130 + 1(Vol.5 SCAN)﹝7-zip compressed archive files﹞, 1 ﹝sfv file﹞,《10,4》+《3,4》﹝par2 files﹞
Copy the Code 130 :
This mean the master packet of this item has 130 compressed archive files.
1(Vol.5 SCAN) :
Besides the master packet, the second packet has scaning picture of the vol5 .
7-zip compressed archive files :
When decompress the packet, you need use the 7-zip
If the files name combin the key word "rr"(like rr5, see the nest post's last picture) or the filename extension is "ls", people must decompress that packet by rar(v4.20 above).
1 ﹝sfv file﹞:
This item has a sfv file, I suggest everyone need san all the files crc32 value by this sfv file.
Especially, if the 7-zip compressed archieve files have any damage, the 7-zip may not warn you when you decompressed that item.
10 means the recovery files for a part of the itme files. 4 means each recovery file has four block-counts.
Seeing the below links for example can know these recovery files belong with the file 001 to 099 of the item B90 and the number + 4 means the block-counts.
Because of the the algorithm of par2 can't calclulate the conut size precisely, people sometimes need to judge how many recovery files can repair one file.
For example, I want to create the recovery file size > 200MB(every part file size)/2 =100MB (must biger than the size), than if every part is lost, people can download only two recovery files to repair one file, but the recovery file size of the itme is less than 100MB(97.XXMB), it means people need download the three recovery files at least to repair one lost file, but if people only need repair one bad block of these parts, you only download one recovery file to repair it, I think the size of the bad block shouldn't large than 90MB.
- https://rapidshare.com/files/38680000/ImageProcess.B90.001-099.vol00+4.par2
- https://rapidshare.com/files/41634900/ImageProcess.B90.001-099.vol04+4.par2
- https://rapidshare.com/files/41646300/ImageProcess.B90.001-099.vol08+4.par2
- https://rapidshare.com/files/30064000/ImageProcess.B90.001-099.vol12+4.par2
- https://rapidshare.com/files/95083000/ImageProcess.B90.001-099.vol16+4.par2
- https://rapidshare.com/files/21772000/ImageProcess.B90.001-099.vol20+4.par2
- https://rapidshare.com/files/19152000/ImageProcess.B90.001-099.vol24+4.par2
- https://rapidshare.com/files/33586000/ImageProcess.B90.001-099.vol28+4.par2
- https://rapidshare.com/files/41437000/ImageProcess.B90.001-099.vol32+4.par2
- https://rapidshare.com/files/20077602/ImageProcess.B90.001-099.vol36+4.par2
Copy the Code In this case the master packet is separated 130 parts and the size of every parts is 800MB.
Seeing the above recovery files size are 852MB is large than the siez of every master packet separated files, so a recovery file can repair a loss file of any separated part.
Besides, 852/4=213MB, the number 213 mean if any of the separated files were damaged, every damaged block of the separated files need use 213MB size recovery file.
《10,4》tell us that the average block-count number of the recovery files is 4.
If the number is "?", it mean these recovery files don't use -n parameter to calculate the file size and average the size precisely.
《10,4》+《3,4》tell us that this itam has two part recovery files.
One of these can repair the part 001-099 of the master packet, another can repair 100-end(130) files.
﹝par2 files﹞:
The recovery files' format may par2 or ecc
Downloader can refer to tthe filename extension
If the recovery files are belong to par2 format, gays use QuickPar or other PAR2 Utilities to repair broken files or lossing volumes.
If the recovery files are belong to ecc format, gays can refer to this blog.
8. All the download links
If the name of the web hosts has any key word "Temp", that mean the links can be deleted by that web host for any time.
At least, I can share the RS link in my premium account forever( I hope the RS can't disable my account link MF).
PS. If the anime/movie/drama is producted a new season、movie or ova...etc, I will share any the same topic whether it is new season、movie、ova or other rip tema's production in the same thread later.
For example:
Hidamari Sketch ♯ 向陽素描 ♯ ひだまりスケッチ