Title: [2015.05.01] How to Install the BT Client - Deluge Into Linux (update) [Print this page] author: 夢 time: 2012-10-27 14:25 Title: [2015.05.01] How to Install the BT Client - Deluge Into Linux (update)
Test OS:ubunt server 12.04 LTS 64bits
The most important documents are in the officical homepage.
1. We download the source code,then compile and install deluge (search 'Download release tarballs' )
Attention!! The path pf the official script parameter DAEMON1 and DAEMON2 may need to be fix the location /usr/bin/ to /usr/local/bin/
You can search the comment "may need to be changed"
Then, change the premission of the initial script and restart the script.
sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/deluge-daemon
sudo update-rc.d deluge-daemon defaults
sudo invoke-rc.d deluge-daemon start
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3.Add the log file(People can select to ignore this step).
sudo mkdir -p /var/log/deluge/daemon
sudo mkdir /var/log/deluge/web
sudo chmod -R 755 /var/log/deluge
sudo chown -R deluge /var/log/deluge
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Change the parameter DAEMON1_ARGS and DAEMON2_ARGS of the above initial script.
DAEMON1_ARGS="-d -L warning -l /var/log/deluge/daemon/warning.log" # Consult `man deluged` for more options