Title: [2014.03.02] Upgrade Issue @ Mediawiki [Print this page]

author: 夢    time: 2014-3-2 23:46     Title: [2014.03.02] Upgrade Issue @ Mediawiki

When I upgrade the mediawiki, I find the error message is happened in two computers.
These computers both using xcache and the version are 3.0.4 above, the only one computer upgrde successfully with 3.0.1 version xcache .
I don't sure if the version is the root cause.

But, according to some threads, that issue may relate with the cache setiing, I force edit the parameter in both LocalSettings of mediawiki.
  1. $wgMainCacheType = 'xcache';
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The upgrading steps seems work fine, but I think it still should need to double check the procedure of forcing editing the cache type is correct or failed step.

Before upgradeing

After upgrading

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