Title: [2011.12.17] How To Install The JDownloader On Ubuntu Linux [Print this page] author: 夢 time: 2011-12-17 00:17 Title: [2011.12.17] How To Install The JDownloader On Ubuntu Linux
Test OS:ubunt 10.04 desktop 32bits、11.10 server 64bits Conclusion:The processure of installation is successful until now and work ok.
Jdownloader work on desktop environment and invoke java.
If reader use the server version os of ubuntu, please install the x2go server.
Because of the Java Development Kit (JDK) in ubuntu system is default compatible the OpenJDK
and I think reader more like the sunjdk, we need to install the sunjdk befor we install the JDownloader. A---------------------------------------------------Install java----------------------------------------------------
There are many methods to install the sunjdk
One of these is use PPA download, but the version of sunjdk may too old.
You can search by google find may homepages of PPA download.
Then, go to LffL Java and you can get newer version of sunjdk.
The JDK(TM) is a development environment for building applications,
applets, and components using the Java programming language.
The JDK includes tools useful for developing and testing programs
written in the Java programming language and running on the Java
NOTE: You must accept Sun's EULA prior to successfully installing
this package
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Other one method is to get the sunjdk from the other site.
Compare the sunjdk with the above PPA sunjdk version, this version is newer, so I use this method to install sunjdk.
See Packages.bz2 line 409 to 440
B---------------------------------------------------Install JDownloader----------------------------------------------------
Use theofficial PPAdownload the JDownloader
sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list
(add)(for example:ubuntu 11.10 server 64bits)
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/jd-team/jdownloader/ubuntu oneiric main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/jd-team/jdownloader/ubuntu oneiric main sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jd-team/jdownloader
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install jdownloader
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Then, you can enter desktop and use the JDownloader.