[2014.01.31] Excute the Linux Packet - Par2 in VM and Somethings Worng May happen in VMware Workstation 10
The new Version 10 has many problem to work the par2 to reapir the shared outside file.I think the root cause is the VM-tools is not work fine into the linux bind the new linux kernel - 3.8.*
Because of the real target is to repair files successfully, I provide two ways to do avoid the software limitation!
Of cause, we can try to select other software link virtualbox to build the virtual machine, but I think that may have another problem when we do the tset.
Now, we are focusing on this single sofrware - vmware workstaion to debug and test and find the solution is the best selection.
Most troubleshooting result post in the VMware communities, I save the backup to this link.
And I will tell everyone how to realize the par2 repair in this thread.